How I built my Time Tunnel model by John
Sometime in 1984 I got to see an early episode with a
side shot and I realized the tunnel was a series of free
standing walls with circles cut out of them.
The smartest thing I did was to first make tests with
pieces of paper (since I have no basic
understanding/instinct on things like perspective.)
Using some 8x10 photos I counted the number of black
bands (since those were the front of each standing wall.)
I then very carefully cut out ever smaller circles on
each piece of paper, centering the circles on the page.
I attached the pages on a coat hanger, and discovered it
looked all wrong. My paper tunnel went straight up a
steep angle to the center of the end of the model. It
obviously doesn't do that on the real tunnel. So I
stared at the pictures, and finally ran my finger up each
wall, and realized a ways in one wall levels off, or even
goes slightly down for a few walls, then starts going up
again. That's why it looks level in the tunnel, even
though it narrows at an upward angle. I made another
series of cutouts following that design, put them on the
coat hanger, and it actually looked like the tunnel
Now, having some slight idea of what I was doing, I
bought a long piece of balsa wood (since I had no tools
to work with regular wood, and I was living in a room in
a house and had no work space, and it was cheap), cut out
the right number of pieces, and hollowed out each piece
as necessary. I think I tried doing regular circles, but
with out proper tools, they came out more like ovals,
which I've since learned is the correct shape. I then
painted the outside of each wall black, and the inside
circles silver, and glued them in place on another piece
of balsa wood (no space to build a full cyclorama back
then.) I cut out two not quite crescent moon-shaped
pieces, painted them white, painted in the four blue
lights on each, and with two white painted toothpicks on
each, glued them in place between the proper walls to
look like the image area rods (whatever they are called.)
The day after Christmas, when lights were on clearance
sale, I bought a set that had alternate blinking rows,
and hung them accordingly so the lights blinked
alternately on and off on the sliver insides.
I put it into a box so you didn't see the lights and
wires, and damn but it looked nice.
Some day I would like to do it out of bigger pieces of
wood...or win the lottery and build a house with one long
room with the full size free standing walls...we'll see
who is the more or Howard Hughes.
Created: 99/09/10 Updated: 99/09/10